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ReFrame Testing Tutorial

When ReFrame tests are enabled for a uenv, they are automatically run:

  • in the CI/CD pipeline after the image has been built;
  • in daily/weekly testing of individual vClusters;
  • and when upgrading and updating vClusters.

This page is a tutorial that will guide you through the process of enabling testing for your uenv, and on writing portable tests that will run on any uenv-enabled system on Alps.


Currently this tutorial shows how to create and run tests for a uenv image that has already been created.


  • Describe how to add the test to the recipe and view the test results in the CI/CD pipeline

How uenv ReFrame testing works

CSCS maintains a set of ReFrame tests in the CSCS ReFrame tests repository eth-cscs/cscs-reframe-tests. These tests cover a very wide range of features, including application tests, login node health and Slurm, and can be run on any vCluster on Alps.


When running this test suite with a uenv, only the subset of the test suite that is relevant for the uenv will be run.

Setting up tests for a uenv requires making changes to two repositories:

  • eth-cscs/alps-uenv adding metadata to the uenv to be used by ReFrame to:
    • load the uenv and configure the environment so that it is ready to run tests;
    • and, choose which tests from the test suite are used to test the uenv.
  • eth-cscs/cscs-reframe-tests updating and adding tests in the that are relevant to the uenv.
    • might not be necessary if the tests already exist.

uenv recipe meta data

To enable ReFrame tests in your uenv, a yaml file extra/reframe.yaml should be added to the recipe.

Below is an example reframe.yaml file:

extra/reframe.yaml for testing a single environment provided by a uenv
    - cuda
    - mpi
    - arbor-dev
  cc: mpicc
  cxx: mpic++
  ftn: mpifort
    - develop

This configuration defines a single environment named develop, which corresponds a ReFrame environment, with some additions.

  • features: a list of ReFrame features that are provided by the environment.
    • used to decide which tests will be run against the uenv.
    • in this case the uenv provides:
      • cuda: expect tests that compile and test NVIDIA GPU aware problems.
      • mpi: expect basic MPI tests that compile and validate MPI to be run. When combined with cuda above, tests for GPU-aware MPI will be run.
      • arbor-dev: a specific feature that specifies that the environment provides everything required to build and run arbor.
  • cc, cxx, ftn: define the compiler aliases
  • views: (optional) a list of views to load.
    • in this case develop view is to be loaded.

A uenv can provide multiple views, for different use cases. The most common example is a uenv that provides two views: one that provides an application, and another that provides the tools used to build the application. Another example is the modules and spack views, that expose a module interface or useful configuration for using Spack with the uenv.

Similarly, it is possible to create multiple environments to test. The example below defines two environments that provide the same features, i.e. the same tests will be run on each. The first example is the one above, and the second sets up an equivalent environment using modules. This would be useful for a uenv that has some users who insist on using modules to set up their build environment.

extra/reframe.yaml for multiple environments to test
    - cuda
    - mpi
    - arbor-dev
  cc: mpicc
  cxx: mpic++
  ftn: mpifort
    - develop
    - cuda
    - mpi
    - arbor-dev
  cc: mpicc
  cxx: mpic++
  ftn: mpifort
    - modules
    - module load cuda cray-mpich cmake ninja fmt


The modules environment uses an additional activation field, which is a series of commands to run in the shell before running the tests. In this case, modules provided by the uenv are loaded.

What is an environment?

What is the difference between using module load, activating a python venv, loading a Spack environment, or a uenv view?


They all do the same thing - set environment variables.

The main variables that change the behavior of the system are PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH, though there are many others like PKG_CONFIG_PATH, CUDA_HOME, MODULEPATH etc that will have more subtle effects on configuring and building software.

Configuring an environment for running tests requires specifying the commands that will modify and set environment variables such that the tests can run. For example, a view or module might be loaded to make the executable of a scientific code be in PATH, or to add tools like cmake, nvcc and gcc to PATH so that we can run a test that builds an application.

Creating uenv tests

The final objective for adding tests to a uenv is to have:

  1. a uenv deployed with an extra/reframe.yaml file;
  2. and tests in the eth-cscs/cscs-reframe-tests repository

In this second half of the tutorial, a workflow for doing this that minimises the amount of time spent waiting in job and CI/CD queues is provided. Before starting, you will need the following:

  • a working uenv squashfs image with corresponding meta data path;
  • and a list of which tests you want to run against the uenv (some of which you have yet to write).

Step 1: create a reframe.yaml file

# pull the image that you want to start developing tests for, e.g.:
$ uenv image pull cp2k/2024.2:v1

# get the meta data path
$ meta=$(uenv image inspect cp2k/2024.2:v1 --format={meta})

# check the path - your location will be different
$ echo ${meta}

# create the reframe meta data file
$ mkdir -p ${meta}/extra
$ vim ${meta}/extra/reframe.yaml

The meta path is the metadata for the uenv for the image.

why create reframe.yaml in this location?

We inject the reframe.yaml file into the meta data in the uenv repo to create a "development environment", where it can be modified while developing the tests in an interactive shell.

The reframe.yaml file will be added to the recipe later, once it is time to start testing in a CI/CD pipeline.

Step 2: set up the CSCS reframe tests

The next step is to check out and setup ReFrame and the CSCS ReFrame test suite.

It might be a good idea to create a path for this work, and cloning the ReFrame and CSCS test suite repos as sub-directories.

Set up ReFrame

The first step is to download and set up ReFrame:

  • clone from ReFrame GitHub repository
  • run the bootstrap process that installs ReFrame's dependencies;
  • then add reframe to PATH.
# clone from repo
$ git clone

# run bootstrap process (only needs to be done once)
$ cd reframe
$ ./

# add to PATH and verify that everything works
$ export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
$ reframe --version

Set up the ReFrame tests

The next step is to clone the CSCS test suite, and create a new branch where we will make any changes required to test our uenv.

# download the reframe tests
$ git clone -b alps
$ cd cscs-reframe-tests

# start a branch for developing the tests (choose your own appropriate name)
git switch -c uenv-arbor


Always create your working branch off of the alps branch. The alps branch is used for tests run on Alps vClusters. It will become the main branch, once Piz Daint is decommisioned.

Adding/updating tests to a uenv

Now everything is in place to implement the tests for your uenv, which will involve one or two of the following:

  1. add some new tests;
  2. or, updating / porting existing tests that were written for the CPE+EasyBuild builds on Daint XC or Eiger.

There are no existing tests for Arbor, so let's start by creating a path for the tests we will write:

# create a path for the checks
mkdir checks/apps/arbor
cd checks/apps/arbor


If there are existing tests, start editing the existing tests directly, or create a new test in that path.

In this tutorial we will write tests that:

  1. build Arbor, including unit tests and example miniapps
  2. run Arbor's unit tests
  3. run a benchmark with a single MPI rank on one GH200 GPU
  4. run a benchmark with 4 ranks and 4 GPUs on a GH200 node.

Link to the tests.


These tests use the packages and tools in the uenv (CMake, cray-mpich, Python, cuda, etc) to build Arbor, then as runtime dependencies for running the Arbor tests.

If your uenv provides a pre-built application, you can skip building and use the executable directly to run validation and benchmark tests.

Here is a link to the tests for Arbor: checks/apps/arbor/

The modules imported at the top of the file will depend on the ReFrame features used for the tests. The uenv module is implemented in config/utilities/

import uenv

It provides the uenv.uarch() function, that will be used to determine the uenv uarch (gh200, a100, zen2, etc.) of the system where tests are running. We will see it in action below.

Test: building the software

Building is handled by a test, in this case called arbor_build, that derives from rfm.CompileOnlyRegressionTest.


Points of interest are annotated in the code below with symbols, click on them to expand.

class arbor_build(rfm.CompileOnlyRegressionTest):
    descr = 'Build Arbor'
    valid_systems = ['*']
    valid_prog_environs = ['+arbor-dev'] #(1)
    build_system = 'CMake'
    sourcesdir = None
    maintainers = ['bcumming']
    arbor_sources = fixture(arbor_download, scope='session') #(2)
    build_locally = False #(3)

    def prepare_build(self):
        self.uarch = uenv.uarch(self.current_partition) #(4)
        self.build_system.builddir = os.path.join(self.stagedir, 'build')
        tarball = f'v{self.arbor_sources.version}.tar.gz'

        tarsource = os.path.join(self.arbor_sources.stagedir, tarball)
        self.prebuild_cmds = [
            f'tar --strip-components=1 -xzf {tarsource} -C {self.stagedir}'

        self.build_system.config_opts = [
        # set architecture-specific flags
        if self.uarch == 'gh200': #(5)
            self.build_system.config_opts += [
        elif self.uarch == 'a100':
            self.build_system.config_opts += [
        elif self.uarch == 'zen2':
            self.build_system.config_opts += ['-DARB_VECTORIZE=on']

        self.build_system.max_concurrency = 64

        self.build_system.make_opts = ['pyarb', 'examples', 'unit']
  1. Restrict this test to only run in environments that provide the arbor-dev feature. This can be a list of environments, e.g. ['+arbor-dev+cuda', '+python'] would run the test in environments that provide both arbor-dev and cuda, or environments that provide python.
  2. arbor_download is a ReFrame fixture, that handles downloading the source for Arbor.
  3. The build stage is performed on a compute node using a sbatch job. Required so that the environment is configured properly, by adding the correct flags to the script:
    #SBATCH --uenv=...
    #SBATCH --view=...
  4. Determine the uarch of the nodes in the current partition, which will be a string like "gh200", "a100", "zen2", etc.
  5. Use the uarch to set node-specific flags.


At no point do we mention specific cluster names or partitions. This is different from how tests were written for Daint and Eiger in the past, where the test would include explicit mentions of systems:

if in ['daint', 'dom']:
  self.num_tasks = 576
  self.num_tasks_per_node = 36

The new approach of parameterising over uarch means that the test can be configured for any vCluster with gh200 nodes.

Test: run the unit tests

The C++ Arbor library provides GoogleTest unit tests that are bundled in a single executable unit. The tests are not MPI enabled, and take less than 30 seconds to run 1000 individual tests. As such, they are a good quick test!

@rfm.simple_test #(1)
class arbor_unit(rfm.RunOnlyRegressionTest):
    descr = 'Run the arbor unit tests'
    valid_systems = ['*']
    valid_prog_environs = ['+arbor-dev']
    time_limit = '5m' #(2)
    maintainers = ['bcumming']
    arbor_build = fixture(arbor_build, scope='environment') #(3)

    def prepare_run(self):
        self.executable = os.path.join(self.arbor_build.stagedir,
                                       'build', 'bin', 'unit')
        self.executable_opts = []

    def validate_test(self):
        return sn.assert_found(r'PASSED', self.stdout) #(4)
  1. This is the first time that we have added an annotation to a test. This is a "leaf" in our set of test dependencies, run after the download and build stages that are its dependencies have run.
  2. The unit tests run quickly - so set a short time limit for higher priority queuing
  3. The arbor_build stage has to be run before this test, to build the unit tests.
  4. Just check that the tests passed - performance checks are implemented elsewhere

Test: single GPU benchmark

Use the miniring benchmark provided by Arbor to check both correctness and performance.

The tests will run the busyring test in two configurations on a single GPU: small and medium in this test. A separate test (see later) will also run the medium module on 4 GPUs.

To test for performance, target performance values need to be provided. We create reference target values, in a dictionary outside the test class, for the following reasons:

  • To ensure that the tests can be run across any cluster:partition with supported uarch.
  • Splitting the reference data out in this way makes it simpler to add feaures like reading performance targets from file, and adding new targets for a new uarch without touching the test itself.
arbor_references = {
    'gh200': { #(1)
        'serial': {
            'small': {
                'time_run':  (9.25, -0.1, 0.1, 's'), # (2)
            'medium': {
                'time_run':  (35.0, -0.05, 0.05, 's'),
        'distributed': {
            'medium': {
                'time_run':  (9.2, -0.05, 0.05, 's'),
  1. Currently, we only have Arbor performance targets for gh200, fields for zen2 would be added for Eiger testing.
  2. These are labelled reference targets. A link will be added when it is found in ReFrame's "documentation".

The test itself:

class arbor_busyring(rfm.RunOnlyRegressionTest):
    run the arbor busyring example in small and medium model configurations
    descr = 'arbor busyring model'
    valid_systems = ['*']
    valid_prog_environs = ['+arbor-dev'] #(1)
    maintainers = ['bcumming']
    model_size = parameter(['small', 'medium']) #(2)

    arbor_build = fixture(arbor_build, scope='environment') #(3)

    def prepare_run(self):
        self.executable = os.path.join(self.arbor_build.stagedir,
                                       'build', 'bin', 'busyring')
        self.executable_opts = [f'busyring-input-{self.model_size}.json']

        self.uarch = uenv.uarch(self.current_partition) #(4)
        if (self.uarch is not None) and (self.uarch in arbor_references):
            self.reference = {

    def validate_test(self):
        # if the meters are printed, the simulation ran to completion
        return sn.assert_found(r'meter-total', self.stdout)

    def time_run(self):
        return sn.extractsingle(r'model-run\s+(\S+)', self.stdout, 1, float)
  1. Only run in environments that provide arbor-dev
  2. The model is parameterised on model size. In practice this means that ReFrame will run the test twice, once for each parameter. The value of the parameter can be accessed as self.model_size, see the prepare_run method below.
  3. Requires the build stage.
  4. Instead of explicitly listing performance targets for all possible system:partition combinations, set the reference targets to those for the uarch of the current partition. In other words - the performance target is set dynamically based on the architecture of the node, instead of being hard coded using if-else statements in the test itself.

    • self.uarch is one of the alps arch: "gh200", "zen2", "a100", ... etc., or None
    • self.current_partition.fullname is the vcluster:partition string, for example "daint:normal" or "todi:debug".


The test will still run, and the time_run results will still be reported, when arbor_references does not provide values for the current uarch. However, in such cases, no comparison is made and the test will pass.

Test: MPI tests

slurm_config = { #(1)
    'gh200': {"ranks": 4, "cores": 64, "gpu": True},
    'zen2':  {"ranks": 2, "cores": 64, "gpu": False},

class arbor_busyring_mpi(arbor_busyring): #(2)
    adapt the busyring test to check paralle MPI execution

    descr = 'arbor busyring model MPI on a single node'
    model_size = parameter(['medium']) # (3)

    def prepare_run(self):
        self.uarch = uenv.uarch(self.current_partition)
        self.executable = os.path.join(self.arbor_build.stagedir,
                                       'build', 'bin', 'busyring')
        self.executable_opts = [f'busyring-input-{self.model_size}.json']

        self.num_tasks = slurm_config[self.uarch]["ranks"] # (4)
        self.num_cpus_per_task = slurm_config[self.uarch]["cores"]
        if slurm_config[self.uarch]["gpu"]:
            self.job.options = ['--gpus-per-task=1']

        if (self.uarch is not None) and (self.uarch in arbor_references): 
            self.reference = { # (5)
  1. Store the slurm configuration outside the test, like we did for the performance targets
  2. This test shares a lot with the basic arbor_busyring test - so inherit. This might be code stink in this case, but it is useful for showing how to use inheritance to refine tests.
  3. Reduce the model size parameter to a single option medium (this overwrites the inherited parameter)
  4. Parameterise the Slurm configuration (the num_tasks, num_cpus_per_task etc magic variables) on uarch.
  5. Parameterise the performance target on uarch.

Running tests

To run the tests, the first thing to do is set an environment variable that will be used by the test suite to configure the environment.

$ export UENV=arbor/v0.9:v1


Currently only a uenv label can be used, i.e. the image must have already been built and pulled into a local uenv repository, that is via uenv image pull or uenv image pull --build.

We will update this feature to allow you to provide the path of the squashfs image. It will be a hard requirement that the meta data path will be in the same path as the store.squashfs file.


If the UENV variable is not set proprely, the reframe.yaml file can't be found and you will see an error:

ERROR: failed to load configuration: problem loading the metadata from 'extra/reframe.yaml' 

To run the tests use the following commands:

# run the tests
$ reframe -C cscs-reframe-tests/config/ \
  -c cscs-reframe-tests/checks/apps/arbor/ --keep-stage-files \

# perform a dry run of tests
$ reframe -C cscs-reframe-tests/config/ \
  -c cscs-reframe-tests/checks/apps/arbor/ --keep-stage-files \
  • -C: the system configuration, here provided by the CSCS test suite
  • -c <path> -r: the path containing checks to run. The -r flag will search recursively for tests in sub-directories
    • in this case, only consider the arbor tests.
    • -c cscs-reframe-tests/checks would search through all tests for tests that are compatible with the features provided by the environments in the extra/reframe.yaml file.
  • --keep-stage-files: this will keep all of the intermediate scripts and configuration
    • stored in the stage sub-directory of the current path.
    • very useful for debugging problems with our tests.
  • --dry-run: generate all the stage files and scripts without running the tests.


Use the --dry-run first, to inspect the generated job scripts and that there are no issues in the code. Once everything looks good, remove the flag to run the tests (which would take longer).


Look in the stage path that is created in the path where you called reframe for all of the job scripts, build files, and results.


If ReFrame tests fail because of ReqNodesNotAvail and you think it is a fluke, try setting RFM_IGNORE_REQNODENOTAVAIL=y.