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Provides text editors and useful command line tools, mounted at /user-tools.


The image has to be mounted at /user-tools, not the default /user-environment location. If loading the image alone, explicitly mount it at the right location

# if using v5 or lower uenv explicitly provide the mount point
> uenv start editors:/user-tools --view=ed

# if using v6 or later uenv the mount point is automatically inferred
> uenv start editors --view=ed
If loading the image alongside another (in this example we use the modules view, see below):
# if using v5 or lower uenv:
> uenv start prgenv-gnu/24.7:v3 editors --view=editors:modules

# if using v6 or later uenv:
> uenv start prgenv-gnu/24.7:v3,editors --view=editors:modules


Text editors:

  • emacs
  • nano
  • neovim
  • vim

Useful command line tools:

  • fd
  • direnv
  • lazygit
  • node-js
  • ripgrep
  • screen
  • tree-sitter

Compilers and languages:

  • lua
  • python
  • go
  • rust


The uenv provides both a view called ed that will make all of the tools available. For example:

> uenv start editors:/user-tools --view=ed
loading the view editors:ed
> which nvim
> which emacs
> which fd

Alternatively, the modules interface can be used to load individual tools:

> uenv start editors:/user-tools --view=modules
loading the view editors:ed
> module avail

----------------- /user-tools/modules ------------------
   direnv    go         neovim     rust
   emacs     lazygit    node-js    screen
   fd        lua        python     tree-sitter
   gcc       nano       ripgrep    vim

> module load screen
> screen --version
Screen version 4.09.01 (GNU) 20-Aug-23



  • v1: did not provide neovim
  • v2: same as v1 with neovim added (fixed a libtool bug that caused an error when building the libvterm dependency of neovim)


The uenv is designed for deployment on all vClusters - it does not have any GPU-specific code and all of the tools it provides can be built on x86 and ARM CPUs.

To find which versions (if any) are available on your target system:

uenv image find editors