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Account and Resources Management Tool

The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) offers a web-based tool for users to manage their accounts and projects at

With this tool, users can:

  • Access their profile, manage institutional details, or reset their password.
  • List the projects they belong to, including closed ones.
  • Check details on each project, quotas, and current utilization.
  • Get an overview of where their files are stored at CSCS (including home directories, scratch, etc.).

For group leaders (or PIs), the tool allows:

  • Managing user membership and access control.
  • Inviting users to their projects via email. Existing users can accept immediately, while new users will receive instructions to create an account and join the project.
  • Removing users from their projects.
  • Selecting which users can access a system (and submit jobs) and which ones can only access project data.
  • Defining one or more deputies to perform such tasks.
    Note: The responsibility of what happens within the project still belongs to the group leader or PI.

A short guideline on how to perform these tasks is provided below.


The tool is designed to be intuitive and comprises the following main areas:

  • A) Account selector: For users with multiple accounts (e.g., service accounts).
  • B) Profile management: To view and edit the account's institutional details and change the password.
  • C) Project membership: To show the selected project in detail.
  • D) Storage: Where users can see where they have stored their files (home, scratch, and project areas).
  • E) Main view


Membership Management (for Group Leaders and Deputies Only)

To invite users to a selected project, group leaders or their deputies need to:

  1. Select the project on the left menu.
  2. Click the "Members" tab.
  3. Scroll down to the "Users" (or "Deputies" to manage deputies) section.
  4. Use the "+" (plus) button on the right of the section and enter the given and family names and email address of the invitee.
    The invitee will receive instructions on how to join the project. The group leader will get a confirmation on whether the invitee has accepted or rejected the invitation.
    If the invitee does not have an account, they will also receive instructions on how to create one, which needs to be verified by CSCS administration staff.

To remove users from a selected project, group leaders or their deputies need to:

  1. Repeat steps 1 to 3 above.
  2. Use the icon with the three horizontal lines (see screenshot below) that is on the right of the user and select "Remove user."