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This documentation is developed using the Material for MkDocs framework, and the source code for the docs is publicly available on GitHub. This means that everybody, CSCS staff and the CSCS user community can contribute to the documentation.

Getting Started

We use the GitHub fork and pull request model for development:

  • First create a fork of the main GitHub repository.
  • Make all proposed changes in branches on your fork - don't make branches on the main repository (we reserve the right to block creating branches on the main repository).

Clone your fork repository on your PC/laptop:

# clone your fork of the repository
> git clone${githubusername}/cscs-docs.git
> cd cscs-docs
> git switch -c 'fix/ssh-alias'
# ... make your edits ...
# add and commit your changes
> git add <files>
> git commit -m 'update the ssh docs with alisases for all user lab vclusters'
> git push origin 'fix/ssh-alias'
Then navigate to GitHub, and create a pull request.

The serve script in the root path of the repository can be used to view the docs locally:

> ./serve
INFO    -  [08:33:34] Serving on
This generates the documentation locally, which can be viewed using a local link, which ishttp://` by default. The documentation will be rebuilt and the webpage reloaded when changed files are saved.


To run the serve script, you need to first install uv.

To build the docs in a site sub-directory:

./serve build

Review Process

Documentation is owned by everybody - so don't be afraid to jump in and make changes or fixes where you see that there is something missing or outdated.

If you plan to make large changes or contributions, please discuss them with the documentation owners beforehand, to make sure that the documentation will fit into the larger documentation structure.

If the documentation that you write or update might affect multiple stakeholders, ping them for a review. If you don't get a timely reply, ask the documentation owners for a review or for permission to merge.


To minimise the overhead of the contributing to the documentation and speed up "time-to-published-docs" we do not have a formal review process. We will start simple, and add more formality as needed.


Links to external sites use the []() syntax:

[The Spack repository](


The CI/CD pipeline will fail if it detects broken links in your draft documentation. It is not completely foolproof - to ensure that your changes do not create broken links you should merge the most recent version of the main branch of the docs into your branch branch.

Adding and maintaining links to internal pages and sections that don't break or conflict requires care. It is possible to refer to links in other files using relative links, for example [the fast server](../, however if the target file is moved, or the section title "fast-server" is changed, the link will break.

Instead, we advocate adding unique references to sections.

Add a reference above the item, in this case we want to link to the section with the title ## The Fast Server:

## Fast Server

Use the [](){#} syntax to define the reference/anchor.


Always place the anchor above the item you are linking to.

In any other file in the project, use the [][] syntax to refer to the link (note that this link type uses square braces, instead of the usual parenthesis):

[the fast server][ref-servers-fast]

The benefits of this approach are that the link won't break if

  • either the file containing the link or the file that refers to the link move,
  • or if the title of the target sections changes.


Images are stored in the docs/images directory.

  • there are sub-directories in the docs/images path - create a new sub-directory for your images if appropriate
  • choose image and path names that make sense - screenshot.png is not a great file name. Neither is PX-202502025-imgx.png.


When providing a screenshot, do you need to show the whole screen, or just part of one window?

Cropping the image will decrease file size, and might also draw the readers attention to the most relevant information.


Do you need a screenshot, or can a text description also work?

Text Formatting

Turn off automatic line breaks in your text editor, and stick to one sentence per line in paragraphs of text.

See the good and bad examples below for an example of of what happens when a change to a sentence forces a line rebalance:


There are many different versions of MPI that can be used for communication.
The final choice of which to use is up to you.


There are many different versions of the popular MPI communication library that can be used for communication.
The final choice of which to use is up to you.

The diff in this case affects only one line.


There are many different versions of MPI that
can be used for communication. The final choice
of which to use is up to you.


There are many different versions of the popular
MPI communication library that can be used for
communication. The final choice of which to use
is up to you.

The diff in this case affects the original 3 lines, and creates a new one.

This method defines a canonical represention of text, i.e. there is one and only one way to write a paragraph of text, which plays much better with git.

  • changes to the text are less likely to create merge conflicts
  • changing one line of text will not modify the surrounding lines (see example above)
  • git diffs and git history are easier to read.

Frequently Asked Questions

The documentation does not have a FAQ section, because questions are best answered by the documentation, not in a separate section. Integrating information into the main documentation requires some care to identify where the information needs to go, and edit the documentation around it. Adding the information to a FAQ is easier, but the result is information about a topic distributed betwen the docs and FAQ questions, which ultimately makes the documentation harder to search.

FAQ content, such as lists of most frequently encountered error messages, is still very useful in many contexts. If you want to add such content, create a section at the bottom of a topic page, for example this section on the SSH documentation page.

Small Contributions

Small changes that only modify the contents of a single file, for example to fix some typos or add some clarifying detail to an example, it is possible to quickly create a pull request directly in the browser.

At the top of each page there is an "edit" icon , which will open the markdown source for the page in the GitHub text editor.

Once your changes are ready, click on the "Commit changes..." button in the top right hand corner of the editor, and add at least a description commit message.


You will need to keep the default option Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request.

  • if the change is small and you are CSCS staff, you can merge the PR immediately
  • all other changes can be