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Internet Access on Alps

The Alps network is mostly configured with private IP addresses ( Login nodes have public IP addresses which means that they can directly access the internet, while a proxy server provides internet access for compute nodes.

Compute node proxy configuration

Compute nodes are configured with the following environment variables to use the proxy server:

export https_proxy=''
export http_proxy=''
export no_proxy='.local,, localhost,,,,'
export HTTPS_PROXY=''
export HTTP_PROXY=''
export NO_PROXY='.local,, localhost,,,,'

Public IPs are a shared resource

Be aware that public IPs, whether on login nodes or through the proxy, are essentially a shared resource. Many services will rate limit or block usage based on the IP address if abused. An example is pulling container images from Docker Hub. Authenticating with Docker Hub makes their rate limit apply per user instead.

Using SSH through the proxy server

While use of the proxy server is transparent for most use cases, others need additional configuration for compute nodes. An example is cloning git repositories from GitHub over SSH. Cloning over https works without additional configuration. To make SSH use the proxy server, add the following to your ~/.ssh/config file:

Match Host *,!,!,!,! "hostname -I | grep -vqF 148.187."
    ProxyCommand nc -X connect -x %h %p

This configuration takes into account that login and compute nodes require a different setup.

Error message when cloning without the proxy set up for SSH

When cloning a git repository without the correct SSH configuration, cloning will time out as follows:

[daint][<user>@daint-ln001 ~]$ git clone
Cloning into 'ompi'...
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

Accessing the public IP of a node

When on a login node configured with a public IP address, you can retrieve the public IP address for example as follows:

[daint][<user>@daint-ln001 ~]$ curl