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NAMD is a parallel molecular dynamics code based on Charm++, designed for high-performance simulations of large biomolecular systems.

Licensing Terms and Conditions

NAMD is distributed free of charge for research purposes only and not for commercial use: users must agree to the NAMD license in order to use it at CSCS. Users agree to acknowledge use of NAMD in any reports or publications of results obtained with the Software (see NAMD Homepage for details).

User Environments

NAMD is provided on ALPS as a uenv. Please have a look at the uenv documentation for more information about UENVs and how to use them.

NAMD is provided in two flavours on CSCS systems:

  • Single-node build
  • Multi-node build

The single-node build works on a single node and benefits from the new GPU-resident mode (see NAMD 3.0b6 GPU-Resident benchmarking results for more details). The multi-node build works on multiple nodes and is based on Charm++'s MPI backend.

Prefer the single-node build and exploit GPU-resident mode

Unless you have good reasons to use the multi-node build, we recommend using the single-node build with the GPU-resident mode.

Single-node build

The single-node build provides the following views:

  • namd-single-node (standard view, with NAMD)
  • develop-single-node (development view, without NAMD)

Running NAMD on a single node

The following sbatch script shows how to run NAMD on a single node with 4 GPUs:

#SBATCH --job-name="namd-example"
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --account=<ACCOUNT>
#SBATCH --nodes=1                    (1)
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1          (2)
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=288
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4                 (3)
#SBATCH --uenv=<NAMD_UENV>           (4)
#SBATCH --view=namd-single-node      (5)

srun namd3 +p 29 +pmeps 5 +setcpuaffinity +devices 0,1,2,3 <NAMD_CONFIG_FILE>
  1. You can only use one node with the single-node build
  2. You can only use one task per node with the single-node build
  3. Make all GPUs visible to NAMD (by automatically setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3)
  4. Load the NAMD UENV (UENV name or path to the UENV)
  5. Load the namd-single-node view

  6. Change <ACCOUNT> to your project account

  7. Change <NAMD_UENV> to the name (or path) of the actual NAMD UENV you want to use
  8. Change <NAMD_CONFIG_FILE> to the name (or path) of the NAMD configuration file for your simulation
  9. Make sure you set +p, +pmeps, and other NAMD options optimally for your calculation
Scaling of STMV benchmark with GPU-resident mode from 1 to 4 GPUs

Scaling of the tobacco mosaic virus (STMV) benchmark with GPU-resident mode on our system is the following:

GPUs ns/day Speedup Parallel efficiency
1 31.1 - -
2 53.7 1.9 86%
4 92.7 3.5 74%
srun namd3 +p 8 +setcpuaffinity +devices 0 <NAMD_CONFIG_FILE>
srun namd3 +p 15 +pmeps 7 +setcpuaffinity +devices 0,1 <NAMD_CONFIG_FILE>
srun namd3 +p 29 +pmeps 5 +setcpuaffinity +devices 0,1,2,3 <NAMD_CONFIG_FILE>

Building NAMD from source with Charm++'s multicore backend

Action required

According to the NAMD 3.0 release notes, TCL 8.6 is required. However, the source code for the 3.0 release still contains hard-coded flags for TCL 8.5. The UENV provides tcl@8.6, therefore you need to manually modify NAMD 3.0's arch/Linux-ARM64.tcl file as follows: change -ltcl8.5 to -ltcl8.6 in the definition of the TCLLIB variable.

The NAMD uenv provides all the dependencies required to build NAMD from source.

Build NAMD:

export DEV_VIEW_NAME="develop-single-node"

# Start uenv and load develop view
uenv start --view=${DEV_VIEW_NAME} <NAMD_UENV>

# Set variable VIEW_PATH to the view
export DEV_VIEW_PATH=/user-environment/env/${DEV_VIEW_NAME}


Action required

Modify the <PATH_TO_NAMD_SOURCE>/arch/Linux-ARM64.tcl file now. Change -ltcl8.5 with -ltcl8.6 in the definition of the TCLLIB variable.

# Build bundled Charm++
tar -xvf charm-8.0.0.tar && cd charm-8.0.0
./build charm++ multicore-linux-arm8 gcc --with-production --enable-tracing -j 32

# Configure NAMD build for GPU
cd .. 
./config Linux-ARM64-g++.cuda \
    --charm-arch multicore-linux-arm8-gcc --charm-base $PWD/charm-8.0.0 \
    --with-tcl --tcl-prefix ${DEV_VIEW_PATH} \
    --with-fftw --with-fftw3 --fftw-prefix ${DEV_VIEW_PATH} \
    --cuda-gencode arch=compute_90,code=sm_90 --with-single-node-cuda --with-cuda --cuda-prefix ${DEV_VIEW_PATH}
cd Linux-ARM64-g++.cuda && make -j 32

# The namd3 executable (GPU-accelerated) will be built in the Linux-ARM64-g++.cuda directory
  • Change <PATH_TO_NAMD_SOURCE> to the path where you have the NAMD source code
  • Change <NAMD_UENV> to the name (or path) of the actual NAMD UENV you want to use

To run NAMD, make sure you load the same UENV and view you used to build NAMD, and set the following variable:


Some workflows, such as constant pH MD simulations, might require a CPU-only NAMD build which is used to drive the simulation.

Use the CPU-only build only if needed

The CPU-only build is optional and should be used only if needed. You should use it in conjunction with the GPU build to drive the simulation. Do not use the CPU-only build for actual simulations as it will be slower than the GPU build.

You can build a CPU-only version of NAMD as follows:

export DEV_VIEW_NAME="develop-single-node"

# Start uenv and load develop view
uenv start --view=${DEV_VIEW_NAME} <NAMD_UENV>

# Set variable VIEW_PATH to the view
export DEV_VIEW_PATH=/user-environment/env/${DEV_VIEW_NAME}


Action required

Modify the <PATH_TO_NAMD_SOURCE>/arch/Linux-ARM64.tcl file now. Change -ltcl8.5 with -ltcl8.6 in the definition of the TCLLIB variable.

# Build bundled Charm++
tar -xvf charm-8.0.0.tar && cd charm-8.0.0
./build charm++ multicore-linux-arm8 gcc --with-production --enable-tracing -j 32

# Configure NAMD build for GPU
cd ..
./config Linux-ARM64-g++ \
    --charm-arch multicore-linux-arm8-gcc --charm-base $PWD/charm-8.0.0 \
    --with-tcl --tcl-prefix ${DEV_VIEW_PATH} \
    --with-fftw --with-fftw3 --fftw-prefix ${DEV_VIEW_PATH}
cd Linux-ARM64-g++ && make -j 32

# The namd3 executable (CPU-only) will be built in the Linux-ARM64-g++ directory
  • Change <PATH_TO_NAMD_SOURCE> to the path where you have the NAMD source code

To run NAMD, make sure you load the same UENV and view you used to build NAMD, and set the following variable:


Multi-node build

The multi-node build provides the following views:

  • namd (standard view, with NAMD)
  • develop (development view, without NAMD)

GPU-resident mode

The multi-node build based on Charm++'s MPI backend can't take advantage of the new GPU-resident mode. Unless you require the multi-node build or you can prove it is faster for your use case, we recommend using the single-node build with the GPU-resident mode.

Building NAMD from source with Charm++'s MPI backend

TCL Version

According to the NAMD 3.0 release notes, TCL 8.6 is required. However, the source code for the 3.0 release still contains hard-coded flags for TCL 8.5. The UENV provides tcl@8.6, therefore you need to manually modify NAMD 3.0's arch/Linux-ARM64.tcl file as follows: change -ltcl8.5 to -ltcl8.6 in the definition of the TCLLIB variable.

The NAMD uenv provides all the dependencies required to build NAMD from source. You can follow these steps to build NAMD from source:

export DEV_VIEW_NAME="develop"

# Start uenv and load develop view
uenv start --view=${DEV_VIEW_NAME} <NAMD_UENV>

# Set variable VIEW_PATH to the view
export DEV_VIEW_PATH=/user-environment/env/${DEV_VIEW_NAME}


Action required

Modify the <PATH_TO_NAMD_SOURCE>/arch/Linux-ARM64.tcl file now. Change -ltcl8.5 with -ltcl8.6 in the definition of the TCLLIB variable.

# Build bundled Charm++
tar -xvf charm-8.0.0.tar && cd charm-8.0.0
env MPICXX=mpicxx ./build charm++ mpi-linux-arm8 smp --with-production -j 32

# Configure NAMD build for GPU
cd .. 
./config Linux-ARM64-g++.cuda \
    --charm-arch mpi-linux-arm8-smp --charm-base $PWD/charm-8.0.0 \
    --with-tcl --tcl-prefix ${DEV_VIEW_PATH} \
    --with-fftw --with-fftw3 --fftw-prefix ${DEV_VIEW_PATH} \
    --cuda-gencode arch=compute_90,code=sm_90 --with-single-node-cuda --with-cuda --cuda-prefix ${DEV_VIEW_PATH}
cd Linux-ARM64-g++.cuda && make -j 32

# The namd3 executable (GPU-accelerated) will be built in the Linux-ARM64-g++.cuda directory
  • Change <PATH_TO_NAMD_SOURCE> to the path where you have the NAMD source code
  • Change <NAMD_UENV> to the name (or path) of the actual NAMD UENV you want to use

To run NAMD, make sure you load the same UENV and view you used to build NAMD, and set the following variable: