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Cluster Configuration

Spack stacks are built on bare-metal clusters using a minimum of dependencies from the underlying system. A cluster configuration is a directory with the following structure:

├─ compilers.yaml   # system compiler
├─ packages.yaml    # external system packages
├─ concretiser.yaml
└─ repos.yaml       # optional reference to additional site packages

The configuration is provided during the configuration step with the --system/-s flag. The following example targets the Clariden system at CSCS:

git clone
stack-config --system ./alps-cluster-config/clariden --recipe <recipe path> --build <build path>


The CSCS official configuration for vClusters on Alps are maintained in a GitHub repository

Software stacks provided by CSCS will only use the official configuration, and support will only be provided for user-built stacks that used the official configuration.

If there are additional system packages that you want to use in a recipe, consider adding a packages.yaml file to the recipe, in which you can define additional external packages.


Only use external dependencies that are strictly necessary:

  • the more dependencies, the more potential that software stacks will have to be rebuilt when the system is updated, and the more potential there are for breaking changes;
  • the external packages are part of the Spack upstream configuration generated with the Stack - you might be constraining the choices of downstream users.

Site and System Configurations

The repo.yaml configuration can be used to provide a list of additional Spack package repositories to use on the target system. These are applied automatically to every recipe built on the target cluster.

To provide site wide defaults, links to additional package repositories can be provdided in the the cluster definition. For example, the following definition would link to a set of site-wide package definitions

- ../site/repo

The paths are always interpretted as relative to the system configuration. This is designed to make it encourage putting cluster definitions and the site description in the same git repository.

├─ my_cluster
│   ├─ compilers.yaml
│   ├─ packages.yaml
│   ├─ concretiser.yaml
│   └─ repos.yaml    # refers to ../site/repo
└─ site
   └─ repo           # the site wide repo
       └─ packages


The site wide package definitions on Alps are maintained in the alps-cluster-config repository.

Package Precedence

If custom package definitions are provided for the same package in more than one location, Stackinator has to choose which definition to use.

The following precedence is applied, where 1 has higher precedence than 2 or 3:

  1. packages defined in the (optional) repo path in the recipe
  2. packages defined in the (optional) site repo(s) defined in the repo/repos.yaml file of cluster configuration (documented here)
  3. packages provided by Spack (in the var/spack/repos/builtin path)

As of Stackinator v4, the definitions of some custom repositories (mainly CSCS' custom cray-mpich and its dependencies) was removed from Stackinator, and moved to the the site configuration