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A command line interface for interacting with user environments on Alps at CSCS.

Getting uenv

uenv will be installed system wide for all users on some CSCS Alps systems. If it is not installed, you can install a local copy by cloning the repository and running the installation script:

git clone && ./uenv/install --local

For uenv to be available on the command line, an activation script has to be sourced, for which we recommend adding a line to your ~/.bashrc. The installation script will prompt you whether it should add the line, and provide a hint on how to update .bashrc if you choose to do it yourself.


When environments are loaded with, e.g. with uenv start, a new shell is started with the environment mounted at /user-environment. In order for the uenv commands to be available in the new shell, the activation script must be sourced when the shell starts -- which will be performed automatically if added to your .bashrc file.


Only bash has been tested so far, though zsh should also work. Create a GitHub issue if there is a shell that you need to support.

Using uenv

Loading an environment

uenv start $SCRATCH/images/gromacs.sqfs
uenv start $SCRATCH/images/gromacs.sqfs:/user-environment

Will start a new shell with the environment gromacs.sqfs mounted at /user-environment.

uenv start $SCRATCH/images/gromacs.sqfs debugger.sqfs:/user-tools

Will start a new shell with the environment gromacs.sqfs mounted at /user-environment, and debugger.sqfs mounted at /user-tools

Stopping an environment

To stop an environment, you can type exit or hit ctrl-d in your terminal, or issuing the following command:

uenv stop


The history of commands that were typed in the shell will be lost to the calling shell.

Running a command in an environment

The uenv run command can be used to execute a single command in a shell with the desired environment loaded. This is particularly useful for workflows that might execute steps with different environments.

Some examples:

uenv run $SCRATCH/images/gromacs.sqfs -- ls -ahl /user-environment
uenv run $SCRATCH/images/gromacs.sqfs:/user-environment $SCRATCH/images/tools.squashfs:/user-tools -- ls -ahl /user-environment /user-tools

Will start run a command in an environment with the , before returning to the calling shell.


To get the status of all loaded environments:

uenv status